SRM SC06 Demo

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Subject: SC06 demo
From: "Alex Sim" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 10:04:30 -0700
To: <>, "'Surya Pathak'" <>, "'Paul Sheldon'" <>

Hi all,

As we discussed about SC06 demo, we have our station reserved in LBNL booth,
and here's what we'd like to do for SC06 demo. 
This is only for SRM v2.2 implementations with the updated WSDL.

We'll use srm-tester to make put/put_done/bring-onling/get/release/remove,
and the same with space reservation (with space token). In addition, we'll
have srmLs.
Then, we'll have srmCopy for a remote copy from a gridftp server and from
another SRM server.  Lastly, we'll have two SRMs involved in a coordinated
remote copy by

All tests will be repeated, and will not leave any left-over files by
removing the previous test.
We'll prepare some gui to show the in-between progresses, and the result on
the GUI itself as well as on the web.

All current 6 implementations on 7 sites are following:

FNAL - dCache
VU - LStore

Any non-implemented and un-supported methods in a site will be screened in
advance and will be skipped for the demo.  The servers are expected to be up
and running during the SC06 (11/12-11/16/2006)

I'll need to ask you your institutional logo and project title, etc when we
prepare the slides, etc.
If you do not want to participate in the SC06 demo, please let me know. 

