REDDNet Site Requirements
Our standard depot contains one dual-core AMD Athlon CPU, 4 GB of RAM, two 1 Gb network ports, and 4-8 TB of storage space. The standard depot draws approximately 300 W.
We are evaluating a new depot configuration with one 8-core Intel I7, 12 GB of RAM, two 1 Gb network ports, and 23 TB of storage space. This depot may optionally connect to the network via 10 Gb ethernet (via an add-on adapter). We will provide power requirements for this box at a later date.
IP Addresses
We require two externally-visible IP address for each depot. One address is for the depot itself, the other is for the management console.
Network Ports on your Switch
Each depot has two network interfaces, so if supported by your switch, we would like to use both interfaces in 802.3ad bonding mode for increased performance. This requires two switch ports and two ethernet cables per depot. If not supported, then each depot only requires one port/cable.
In addition, each depot has an ethernet port for the management console. The management consoles can connect directly to your primary network switch, or they can run off a smaller dumb switch to minimize the number of primary switch ports in use.
Required Network Ports
These ports should be opened on your perimeter firewall (or firewalls if you have both organizational and departmental firewalls).
- mgmt -> Management interface
- data -> Data transfer interface
- tcp/22 (ssh) : from all to and
- tcp/5666 (nagios) : from all to and
- tcp/6714 (ibp) : from all to world
- tcp/4823 (bwctl) : from 1st to world
- tcp/861 (owamp) : from 2nd to world
- tcp/80 (http) : from KVM and PDU's to 129.59/16
- tcp/443 (https) : from KVM to 129.59/16
- tcp/21 (ftp) : from PDU's to (for firmware upgrades)
- tcp/5900 (vnc) : from KVM to 129.59/16
- udp/123 (ntp) : from alll allow outbound from local depots
- udp/161 (snmpv3) : from all to and