REDDnet@I2: REDDnet Activities meeting, 21April08

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April 28, 8:00am-5:00pm, Crystal Gateway Marriott, Washington, DC. This meeting is held in cooperation with the Spring 2008 Internet2 Member Meeting, which will be held April 21-23, 2008. The meeting will be held in the Alexandria room.

Overview and main goals of the the meeting

Over the course of the next 6 to 9 months, REDDnet will become a operational infrastructure, working in pre-production (i.e. "beta) mode, but none the less supporting application communities of early adopters and experimental users. The main purpose of this meeting is to map out, discuss, and agree on the steps necessary for success in this effort. Longer term plans for essential software development, service deployment, and community support will also be explored.

The morning session, which will be restricted to the REDDnet PIs and the core LN software development community and REDDnet operations group, will focus on issues surrounding the REDDnet roll out and mid-term software and service development and deployment. In the afternoon session, we will be joined by participants and interested parties from REDDnet's application communities; the goal of the session is to listen to and understand their requirements, concerns, and questions, so that REDDnet objectives and milestones line up as well as possible with their goals. The success of REDDnet largely depends on the success of these application communities in using it.

REDDnet@I2-Apr08 meeting results: Agreed upon objectives, milestones, task assignments, and other notes from the meeting.


Continental Breakfast (7:30am-8:30am)

Morning: Software Development and REDDnet Operations (8:30a - 12:00p)

8:30-8:45: Greetings (Paul and Terry)

8:45-9:30: State of REDDnet infrastructure - April08

  • Deployment: Current state, plans for next 6 months, issues raised. (Bobby)
  • Summary of ongoing tests: ACCRE depot tests, LoDN/warming with ACCRE depot, VTNA, recursive augment for FACIT, CMS experiments (Alan,Santi, Chris, Harold)
  • Request tracker for problem resolution (Matt)
  • Issues?
    • Protocols for infrastructure testing vs. application use
    • Monitoring and management
    • Instrumentation/monitoring?
    • What about sites wanting to opt in?

9:30-10:00 REDDnet Communications

10:00-10:15 Morning Break

10:15-12:00 Software and Service Development - April08

  • PerfSonar (Martin)
  • Current LN middleware for REDDnet:
  • Future

Software Development - Since our resources for software development are limited at this point, the critical question here would seem to be this: "What new software development (including extensions or modifications of existing code) needs to occur in order for REDDnet to succeed over the next 6-9 months and be prepared for next phase.

  • Interoperability testing:
    • IBP depots - LoCI, ACCRE, Nevoa
    • exNodes - L-Store and LoDN
    • LoRS/LoDN and the ACCRE depot; L-Store and LoCI or Nevoa depot?
  • Future modifications to/standardization of efforts
    • IBP
    • exNode
    • exMSP
    • TSSP

12:00-1:30 LUNCH

Afternoon: Planning for Application Communities (1:30p - 5:00p)

The afternoon session will focus on hearing about REDDnet's ongoing work with application communities. Representatives from some of those communities will be their, so we'll also hear from them. A more detailed agenda is in process, but below are some of the items to be presented and/or discussed. The main objective is to ascertain what lies on the critical path for operations, support, software development and standardization in order to enable our application groups to make progress. Application communities and projects to be discussed include the following:

  • America View (P. R. Blackwell)- P.R. will give a brief overview of what they're doing to set the stage for an opportunity currently coming into view with the EDC and the USGS. The goal is to plan a demonstration of REDDnet capabilities for EDC early this summer.
  • Federated Archive Cyberinfrastructure Testbed (FACIT) and broader collaboration with the Library or Congress and their NDIIPP program
  • Vanderbilt Opthalmic Imaging Center -- Remote Third World Health Screening (Paul/Santi)
  • Fusion Energy (Chris)
  • Collaboration with SuraGrid


Full Day

  • Vanderbilt: Paul Sheldon, Dan Engh, Alan Tackett, Santi de Ledesma, Bobby Brown, Matt Binkley, David Mathews,...
  • University of Tennessee: Terry Moore, Chris Sellers, Harold Gonzales, Micah Beck (remotely)
  • Stephen F. Austin: PR Blackwell
  • University of Deleware: Martin Swany
  • Masaryk University (Czech Republic): Lukáš Hejtmánek

Afternoon: Application Communities

  • Library of Congress (Jane Mandelbaum, ...)
  • SURA (Gary Crane, John Paul Robinson - UAB)
  • UCSB (Remotely)
  • Eastern Suffolk BOCES (Joe Isabelle)