All Hands Meeting, Feb 1, 2008

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Agenda for All-Hands

Meeting Purpose: "To decide upon a plan of action that will make REDDnet a success."

The Meeting will be held at ACCRE at Vanderbilt University

Morning Session 9-12:30

09:00-09:30 --- Meeting Kickoff

  • Summary of the proposal - towards a vision for REDDnet - Terry
  • Putting together a plan of action - Paul

09:30-10:00 --- Deployment and Operations

  • Plan of Work - Bobby
  • What should we expect of REDDnet sites? What should they expect of us?

10:00-10:30 --- Applications

10:30-10:45 --- Coffee Break

10:45-12:30 --- A Toolbox for Distributed Storage (Part 1)

Lunch 12:30-01:30

  • Lunch will be provided at the Vanderbilt Commons

Afternoon Session 1:30-05:00

01:30-03:15 --- A Toolbox for Distributed Storage (Part 2)

  • continue discussion listed above.

03:15-03:30 --- Coffee Break

03:30-05:00 --- Close-Out Discussion and Assignments