Operations and Deployment

From ReddNet
Revision as of 08:03, 25 January 2008 by Rgb (talk | contribs) (→‎Deployment)
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  • Bring current deployment up-to-date
  • Prepare existing hardware for deployment
  • Develop MOU for current deployment
  • Design and implement a depot recovery process
  • Define a standard set of software tools for depots
  • Gain experience with existing deployment
  • Discuss a multi-tiered system for sites
  • Find new collaborators/sites
  • Investigate Perceus as an update tool


  • Use StorCore, Nagios, iperf, and visualization tools from SC07
  • Create a REDDnet status site, using google maps
  • Create an RT site to resolve users' issues

Validation Framework

  • Stress and WAN testing on Production REDDnet
  • QA testing on Test REDDnet required before moving into production REDDnet