Jan 11, 2008
- Dec 21, 2007 -- 10:00ET/9:00CT/7:00PT
- Call 510-665-5437
- Meeting ID is 7333
Status Report on Production REDDnet Deployment
Locally at ACCRE we have been working to implement a production REDDnet deployment. This deployment has hit a snag: we have run into a problem with the linux driver for the on-board network device on the motherboards of the new depots. A report will be made on the status of this issue. There had been some hope of finding a more up-to-date driver, but this appears not to fix the problem, so we are likely to go on to plan B: put new "stand alone" network cards in the depots. We know this works on the older capricorn depots, and are in the process of evaluating network cards, including the one that is known to work in the capricorn depots (but which is expensive).
We hope to be able to deploy new network cards in the depots the first week of February.
In the meantime, we plan to deploy a network of depots based on the many capricorn depots that we have, according the following timeline:
Jan 11 (Today)
- Stable TVNA
- Provide additional temporary TVNA box
- Setup and deploy L-Server, Chord, and StorCore(Larry+Bobby)
- deploy 10 or more CapTech depots with a 3 month max allocation duration (Alan + Bobby).
- Stable REDDnet (almost)
- Setup and deploy L-Server, Chord, and StorCore(Larry+Bobby)
- Bring up 2 or more campus CapTech depots (2 in physics, 2 at phoebe's, and 2 at accre. 4 Umich depots are a possibility as well) with a 3 month max duration(alan+Bobby)
- Report on SC depot problem (Mat) and discuss options on REDDnet call. Based on the outcome we will then start the REDDNet depot deployment
Jan 14
- Start TVNA transfer + data verification process (Bobby + Santi)
Jan 18
- Data warming enters testing phase (Santi)
Jan 30
- Diana Gunter arrives at ACCRE, work with her on use of production depots
Jan 31 - Feb 14
- Data warming is moved into production (Santi)
- bring all Reddnet depots ready to be brought back online (hopefully)
TSSP Discussion
Reminder: All Hands Meeting
- In Nashville, TN at ACCRE
- Starts Thursday night with Dinner, all day meeting is then on Friday, Feb 1
- this goal of this meeting would be a review of the management plans currently being developed by the working group leaders.
- some travel funds are available for participants from outside of Tennessee
- Who is coming?