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  • Discussion with ORNL and Ultralight to set up REDDnet nodes at ORNL
  • People we should think about meeting with
    • Jackie Chen and/or her group
    • Tony Messacappa

Scheduled Talks and Demonstrations

L-Store: Storage Virtualization for the Open Science Grid

Alan Tackett, Vanderbilt University/ACCRE

Nevoa Storage System: Managing scalable storage virtualization infrastructure

Hunter Hagewood, Nevoa Networks

How to create a multi-user, wide area facility for data intensive visualization

Jian Huang, University to Tennessee,( Participants: VU, ORNL

Contrary to conventional wisdom, we show that a distributed collection of heterogeneous computing resources can be used effectively to create a scalable infrastructure for high performance, data intensive visualization. In this demonstration, we will show how a large scale visualization of cutting edge simulation datasets can be shared among multiple, distributed users working on the same pool of distributed resources. The demonstration will use IBP depots, equipped with our Visualization Cookbook Library (VCL), at the ACCRE booth, at other booths on the SC06 show floor and on REDDnet's wide area infrastructure. As shown, good performance can be attained with only a standard Internet connection and in spite of the presence of several other simultaneous users.


Contact: Alex Sim of LBL <>

This is only for SRM v2.2 implementations with the updated WSDL. We'll use srm-tester to make put/put_done/bring-onling/get/release/remove,and the same with space reservation (with space token). In addition, we'll have srmLs. Then, we'll have srmCopy for a remote copy from a gridftp server and from another SRM server. Lastly, we'll have two SRMs involved in a coordinated remote copy by get_1/put_2/gridftp_between_1_2/release_1/put_done_2/srmLs_2/remove_2.

All tests will be repeated, and will not leave any left-over files by removing the previous test. We'll prepare some gui to show the in-between progresses, and the result on the GUI itself as well as on the web.

All current 6 implementations on 7 sites are following:

  • CERN - DPM
  • FNAL - dCache
  • INFN - StoRM
  • LBNL - SRM
  • VU - LStore

Any non-implemented and un-supported methods in a site will be screened in advance and will be skipped for the demo. The servers are expected to be up and running during the SC06. (11/12-11/16/2006)

I'll need to ask you your institutional logo and project title, etc when we prepare the slides, etc. If you do not want to participate in the SC06 demo, please let me know.

Computing resources used in demonstrations

  • Vanderbilt/ACCRE Booth

  • Collaborating booths at SC06

  • REDDnet nodes, national and international