Development timeline

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Revision as of 10:31, 3 July 2006 by (talk) (formatted)
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SRM Interface

  • 7th August - deployable as tarball with upload, download, stat, ls, delete, mkdir
  • 15th September - fully tested


  • August 21st - Persistent storage used for Chord nodes

L-Store server

  • 24th July - delete, overwriting working <Srm dependency> Priority 2
  • 24th July - A version of lserver and client that use chord instead of relational database to manage name space. Priority 1
  • Expiration of exnodes
  • Authorization and Authentication:

User specifies a username and a password that the lstore server uses to determine whether they are allowed to access a file. User can specify rights on their files using the lstcp client (chmod). There is a list of users in the system.

  • Clyde testing framework
  • Checksums
  • Arbitrary storage device


  • July 24th - Client can simulate a
   thor-client thor:// localfilename
   thor-client localfile thor://
  • July 24th - client can send data to buffer and buffer gets written to tape if there on time or buffer size events.
  • August 28th - releaseable <alpha> tarball that can be used to provide functionality above.